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What is angel dust

PCP is a synthetic drug that was originally developed as an anesthetic in the 1950s. However it has since been discontinued due to its serious side effects

its a semi-synthetic hallucinogen meaning it produces a range of hallucinogenic effects in the user. it is most commonly found in a powder or liquid form .although it can be found in a tablet or capsule form.

Street names for PCP include Angel Dust, Hog, Ozone, Rocket Fuel, Shermans, Wack, Crystal and Embalming Fluid. when combined with marijuana, street names include Killer Joints, Super Grass, Fry, Lovelies, Wets, and Waters.

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Angel Dust Porn

Angel dust porn, Phencyclidine  or PCP,  is a mind-altering drug that may lead to hallucinations (a profound distortion in a person’s perception of reality). It is considered a dissociative drug, leading to a distortion of sights, colors, sounds, self, and one’s environment.

PCP was developed in the 1950s as an intravenous anesthetic, but due to the serious neurotoxic side effects. Its development for human medical use was discontinued.  PCP or angle dust porn was an anesthetic used for surgery. Painful procedures was developed instead and is structurally similar to Ketamine.

Angel Dust Drug Pics

In its purest form, PCP is a white crystalline powder that readily dissolves in water or alcohol and has a distinctive bitter chemical taste. On the illicit drug market, angel dust porn or pcp for sale contains a number of contaminants causing the color to range from a light to darker brown with a powdery to a gummy mass consistency. pcp for sale , we deliver world wide everyday. All our deliveries are fast and secured and very discreet. angel dust porn

What are the effects of recreational PCP use?

Many believe PCP to be one of the most dangerous drugs of abuse. A moderate amount of PCP often causes users to feel detached, distant, and estranged from their surroundings. Buy PCP Online, angel dust porn.

Numbness of the extremities, slurred speech, and loss of coordination may be accompanied by a sense of strength and invulnerability.
A blank stare, rapid and involuntary eye movements, and an exaggerated gait are among the more observable effects.
Auditory hallucinations, image distortion, severe mood disorders, and amnesia may also occur.

Acute anxiety and a feeling of impending doom, paranoia, violent hostility, a psychoses indistinguishable from schizophrenia.
Physiological effects of low to moderate doses of PCP ( angel dust porn),

These include:


slight increase in breathing rate
rise in blood pressure and pulse rate
shallow respiration

flushing and profuse sweating occurs.
Physiological effects of high doses of PCP include:

a drop in blood pressure, pulse rate, and respiration.
nausea, vomiting
blurred vision
flicking up and down of the eyes
loss of balance and dizziness
violence, suicide

Angel dust porn a synthetic drug also known as pcp or Phencyclidine. PCP has been used in everything from party drugs to anesthesia and has been linked to some disturbing side effects.


how is it used

pcp is usually ingested although it can also be smoked snorted or injected. it is most often found in pill form but it can also be made into a powder or liquid. when its taken orally the effects can take longer to kick in. however once they do the effects will last up to six hours .when snorted smoked or injected the effects kick in almost instantly although there is still a risk of overdose.

what does it feel like

the effects of pcp can vary depending on the dose however generally speaking it produces a feeling of euphoria increased energy and a sense of invulnerability. it can also produce hallucinations and delusions as well as changes in mood and behavior .however the effects can also be unpredictable and range from mild to intense. In higher doses it can cause hallucinations paranoia aggression and violent behavior.

how long do the effects last

the effects of pcp can last anywhere from 6 to 24 hours. in people with high body fat percentages the effects can sometimes stay over a few days. even this is because it is stored in fat cells in the body

How long does it stay in the body

the effects of pcp can be detected in urine for up to four weeks after use and in the blood it can stay for up to 24 hours

Is there a risk of addiction

Yes there is a risk of addiction with pcp over time users can develop a tolerance to the drug. as well as a psychological dependence. and withdrawal symptoms when use is stopped

long-term side effects

The most common long-term side effects of angel dust are speech problems, depression and psychosis. these symptoms can last for weeks after use and can also develop with regular abuse. speech problems can include slurred speech and difficulty finding the right words .depression can range from mild to severe and involve feelings of hopelessness and despair. psychosis can cause hallucinations delusions and erratic behavior. in addition to these long-term side effects angel dust users are at risk for serious health problems including heart and lung damage. it is also linked to an increased risk of suicide. these risks increase with higher doses and with frequent use.

Withdrawal symptoms of PCP

Withdrawal symptoms associated with angel dust can be intense and potentially dangerous. these symptoms can include anxiety, depression, nausea, muscle spasms and tremors, hallucinations and even seizures. these symptoms can last for weeks or even months and should not be taken lightly.

in conclusion angel dust is a powerful and dangerous drug and its long-term side effects can be devastating. if you or someone you know is using angel dust please seek professional help immediately.

What is the timeline for PCP detox?

The chemicals in PCP bind to brain and fat tissue in the body, therefore the drug takes longer to clear from the body. The half-life of PCP is anywhere from seven to forty-six hours, and it can take anywhere from two to ten days for the drug to completely clear from the system.

Other factors determine how fast the person in recovery will completely detox from the drug. Age, weight, height, fitness level, metabolic rate, how long the person has been using can all affect the detox timeline.

At trippy Today, we supply the very best PCP, angel dust porn , at very wonderful prices.


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