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Yeti Mushroom: A Rare and Potent Psychedelic

What is Yeti Mushroom? Yeti Mushroom: A Rare and Potent Psychedelic

Yeti mushroom is a type of psilocybin mushroom that belongs to the Psilocybe cubensis species. Psilocybin mushrooms are fungi that contain psychoactive compounds, such as psilocybin and psilocin, that can induce altered states of consciousness, perception, and mood.

Yeti mushroom is a rare and exotic strain that is derived from the True Albino Teacher strain, which is itself a mutation of the Golden Teacher strain. Yeti mushroom is also a true albino strain, meaning that it lacks pigmentation in its spores, gills, and flesh. It has a white or bluish color, with caps that sometimes have a yellow or gold tint. It has a thick, meaty stem and a cap that never fully opens, resembling a penis.

Yeti mushroom is known for its high potency and unique effects. It is one of the strongest strains of psilocybin mushrooms, with an average tryptamine content of 1.14%. Tryptamines are the psychoactive compounds in psilocybin mushrooms that cause the psychedelic effects. Yeti mushroom can produce intense visual, auditory, and tactile hallucinations, as well as profound spiritual and mystical experiences.

How is Yeti Mushroom Cultivated?

yeti mushroom, yeti mushroom strain, yeti shrooms, yeti shroom, yeti mushrooms

Yeti mushroom can be cultivated at home using spores or mycelium. Spores are the reproductive cells of fungi that can grow into new mushrooms. Mycelium is the vegetative part of fungi that consists of a network of white filaments called hyphae. Spores and mycelium can be obtained from online vendors or from other growers.

The cultivation process involves preparing a substrate, which is the material that provides nutrients and moisture for the mushrooms to grow. The substrate can be made from organic materials, such as rye grain, brown rice flour, or straw. The substrate is then sterilized to kill any contaminants that could harm the mushrooms. The spores or mycelium are then inoculated into the substrate using a syringe or a scalpel. The inoculated substrate is then placed in a container, such as a jar or a bag, and stored in a dark and warm place to allow the mycelium to colonize the substrate.

After several weeks, the colonized substrate is ready to be fruited. This involves exposing the substrate to light, fresh air, and humidity to trigger the formation of mushrooms. The mushrooms usually appear within a few days and can be harvested when they reach maturity. The harvest can be repeated several times until the substrate is exhausted.

How is Yeti Mushroom Consumed?

yeti mushroom, yeti mushroom strain

Yeti mushroom can be consumed in various ways, depending on personal preference and desired effects. The most common way is to eat them fresh or dried, either whole or chopped. Some people prefer to grind them into a powder and mix them with water, juice, tea, or chocolate. Others like to make capsules or edibles with them.

The dosage of yeti mushroom depends on several factors, such as body weight, metabolism, tolerance, and sensitivity. A general guideline is to start with a low dose of 0.5 to 1 gram of dried mushrooms and gradually increase it until the desired effects are achieved. A typical dose ranges from 1 to 3 grams of dried mushrooms, which can produce mild to moderate effects. A high dose of 3 to 5 grams of dried mushrooms can produce strong and intense effects. A heroic dose of more than 5 grams of dried mushrooms can produce extreme and potentially overwhelming effects. Yeti Mushroom: A Rare and Potent Psychedelic

The onset of effects usually occurs within 20 to 40 minutes after ingestion and lasts for 4 to 6 hours. The peak of effects usually occurs between 1 to 3 hours after ingestion and lasts for 1 to 2 hours. The effects vary from person to person and from trip to trip, depending on the dose, set, and setting.

What are the Effects of Yeti Mushroom?

Yeti mushroom can produce a wide range of effects that affect the mind, body, and senses. Some of the possible effects are:

  • Visual effects: enhanced colors, patterns, shapes, textures, distortions, illusions, tracers, geometric figures
  • Auditory effects: enhanced sounds, music appreciation, echoes, ringing
  • Tactile effects: enhanced touch sensations
  • Emotional effects: euphoria, joy,
  • Cognitive effects: altered thoughts
  • Spiritual effects: mystical experiences
  • Physical effects: pupil dilation
  • Negative effects: nausea

What are the Safety Measures of Consuming Yeti Mushroom?

Yeti mushroom is generally considered safe and non-toxic when consumed responsibly and in moderation. However, there are some risks and precautions that should be taken into account before consuming it.

  • Do not consume if you have a history of mental illness.
  • Do not consume if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Do not consume yeti mushroom if you are taking medication
  • Do not consume if you are allergic to mushrooms.
  • Do not consume if you are unsure of its identity or quality
  • Do not consume with alcohol or other drugs.
  • Do not consume alone or in an unfamiliar or unsafe environment.
  • Do not consume before driving or operating machinery.
  • Do not consume if you are under 18 years old.


Here are some frequently asked questions about yeti mushroom:

  • Q: How can I tell if a mushroom is a yeti mushroom?
  • A: Yeti mushroom is a true albino strain of Psilocybe cubensis, which means that it has no pigmentation in its spores, gills, and flesh. It has a white or bluish color, with caps that sometimes have a yellow or gold tint. It has a thick, meaty stem and a cap that never fully opens, resembling a penis. However, since yeti mushroom does not grow in the wild, it is unlikely that you will encounter it unless you buy it from a reputable source or grow it yourself.
  • Q: How long does yeti mushroom stay in your system?
  • A: Yeti mushroom contains psilocybin and psilocin, which are metabolized by the liver and excreted by the kidneys. Psilocybin and psilocin can be detected in urine for up to 24 hours after ingestion, and in blood for up to 12 hours after ingestion. However, the detection time may vary depending on the dose, frequency, and method of consumption, as well as the individual’s metabolism, hydration, and body fat.
  • Q: How can I reduce the nausea caused by yeti mushroom?
  • A: Nausea is a common side effect of consuming psilocybin mushrooms, especially when eaten raw or on an empty stomach. Some ways to reduce the nausea are:
    • Consume yeti mushroom with food or drink, such as ginger, lemon, honey, or tea
    • Consume yeti mushroom in small doses and wait for the effects to kick in before taking more
    • Consume yeti mushroom in a comfortable and relaxed setting
    • Consume yeti mushroom with a trusted and supportive friend who can help you if you feel sick
  • Q: How can I have a good trip on yeti mushroom?
  • A: Having a good trip on yeti mushroom depends largely on the dose, set, and setting. The dose is the amount of mushrooms you take, which determines the intensity and duration of the effects. The set is your mindset, mood, expectations, and intentions before taking the mushrooms. The setting is your physical and social environment during the trip. Some tips to have a good trip are:
    • Choose a dose that suits your experience level and desired effects
    • Choose a set that is positive, curious, and open-minded
    • Choose a setting that is familiar, comfortable, and safe
    • Have a trip sitter who can guide and support you during the trip
    • Have some music, art, or nature to enhance your sensory experience
    • Have some water, snacks, or blankets to keep yourself hydrated, nourished, and warm
    • Have some activities, games, or questions to explore your creativity and curiosity
    • Have some respect, gratitude, and humility for the mushrooms and yourself

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